Final Assignment

Finally we have done our final assignment (kinetic typography) within 60 hours :D we are all very satisfy with the outcome since we really put a lot of efforts into our work. I help to decorate our video with vectors and colors to make it more interesting. So for the process of our video making, you can refer to our leader's blog, World Of Pixel. We also shared our video on youtube.  click to view our video on youtube :)

have a nice day

assignment 1 - a dynamic motion based poster

This is the patriotism poster i created for assignment 1 and now I have to make it move using FL.

1. First i created a new file and drag in my background. I renamed the layer as background to make my works more organized.
2. I planned to create different layers for different words so that I can animate each of them easier and my work will be much more organized. Next, by using type tool, i started to insert words to my work. In order to make them move, I select the word I want using selection tool > clicked motion presets > choose the motion I want.
1 - motion presets.
2- there are many kind of motions. I chose fly in blur top for the word 'STOP'.

3. Then I create a new layer and insert the word 'DOUBTING'. When it's done I copy both 'STOP' and 'DOUBTING' layers and pasted them in a new layer. In motion presets, i chose fly-out-top for this layer in order to make a fade out effect.

4. Next, I just added a new layer and insert different words in different frames so they will appear in different timing. I didn't apply any motion on the words. 
5. To proceed to the next frame, I made the words 'ALTHOUGH WE CAN' slowly faded down so that the following words can slowly faded in from top. I copied ALTHOUGH WE HAVE's layer and pasted it in a new layer, then I applied fly-out-bottom motion. 
6. Next, I dragged in my aliens from AI in the form of AI file importer preferences. I made the aliens faded into the frame with the words 'DIFFERENT SKIN COLOR' by choosing fly-in-blur-top motion.
7. In the next frame, I just insert a word 'BUT' without any motion presets. I enlarged it in order to make it more emphasis. 
8. After that, just like what I did in step 7, I insert another group of words 'WE ARE ALL' without any motion presets. I made the words appear from the bottom to the top. But in the following frame I made them slowly faded out with fly-out-bottom motion.
9. Last but not least, I inserted the word 'MALAYSIAN' with fly-in-top motion and then it slowly faded to the right (fly-out-right motion) when my patriotism poster slowly faded in (fly-in-left motion).

Tadaa! This is the final outcome :) I seriously learned a lot about adobe flash through this assignment.

have a nice day

assignment 1 - patriotism in malaysia poster

What i did for my assignment 1 is something different from draft 1 and draft 2 because my lecturer wants me to play around more on typography. Therefore I added more words and recreate some characters, which i called them 'aliens', for my new poster.

1. By using AI, i created 3 aliens with different skin tones based on the concept of Jalur Gemilang. They represent Malay, Chinese and Indian. Their body, eyes and mouth are colors and elements that we can find on Jalur Gemilang.

2. Next, I created my still poster using PS. I open a new file (A4 size) and drag in my background.

3. When it's done I start to type something on it and arrange the position and sizes of words. I used different fonts and colors to make my poster more interesting. 

4. After the line 'but we are all', I dragged in my aliens from AI to PS.

5. Then I created the word MALAYSIAN using the image of Jalur Gemilang which i downloaded from google.
first i type on the flag.

using magic wand tool, i pressed on shift key while selecting each alphabets.

when i'm done i clicked on delete or backspace. then right click on one of the alphabet and choose select inverse > delete.

lastly i crop it and drag it to my poster and I'm done! :)

So this is my poster for assignment 1.

have a nice day

second draft for assignment one using adobe flash

using the poster i created in the previous post, i animated it using adobe flash.

1. i created a new file in a4 size and insert my background.

2. then i created a new layer and transfer the little alien i created earlier in adobe illustrator into my workspace. i pasted it as Ai File Importer preferences and rename the layer as flag.

3. next i insert feathers on the same layer. i wanted to animate the feathers in order to make my alien 'fly'.

4. in order to make it fly, i need to make its hand move. i click on its body part and slightly change the position up and down, as well as the feather.

5. next, i duplicate the alien by dragging the layer to add new layer, and rename it as flag 2. when im done, i created a new layer and insert words.

And this is the final outcome. I saved it at lower resolutions because it's much easier to upload here.

Have a nice day

patriotism ideation poster

this is my idea for second draft of assignment 1. i upgraded a lot compared to draft 1 (previous post). i did this poster using adobe illustrator and photoshop.

1. first i created a Malaysia's flag in alien form who carrying two feathers which symbolize freedom using adobe illustrator.
2. i transfer the flag cartoon into adobe photoshop and duplicate it.

3. lastly i add in background and words.
have a nice day

first attempt using adobe flash

finally we were briefed on our first assignment since our previous class was canceled. we were asked to create a design based on the title PATRIOTISM. madam lydia even invited one of our seniors to tell us more about his own experiences on exploring adobe flash with the help of lecturer. senior told us it's better to do sketching first before transfer ideas into adobe flash, it's easier for us to create an ideal design. 
after digested what madam lydia taught us in class and viewed those links she shared with us, i begin to play around with adobe flash for my very first time. i decided to make a shaky image + shaky words design. 

1. first i created a new file by clicking ActionScript 3.0

2. under properties, i changed my file size into A4 size according to what lecturer needs. after changed to a4 size, i minimize my screen view due to the large size of file.


3. then i import files i needed to add in my design. for me, i only imported one piece of wrapped paper, the rest of my design i used brush tool in adobe flash.

after chosen the image i want it will directly appeared under library. after that i drag it into working space.

4. since my file is too huge in size, so what i did is changed my file size exactly the same like the background.
i changed the size to W: 1754px and H: 1240px under properties.

after changing the size of the file, in order to make it stay on the background instead of flying anywhere else, i also changed the size of X axis and Y axis to 0.

5. next i created a new layer, so i have 2 layers now. i rename them as 'background' and 'flag drawing'  instead of 'Layer1 and 2' to minimize complicated throughout my work.

 6. after clicking on brush tool, i changed the color of stroke and fill to black.

7. next i right click on the first frame of background layer (the tiny little black dot). copy the frame and paste it at frame 95.

8. by using brush tool, i click on the first frame of "flag drawing" layer and start to draw the outline of Malaysia's flag.

9.  in "flag drawing" layer, i copied frame 1 and paste it at frame 4. once i've done, i continue to draw my flag.


10. by repeating the method i used in step 9, i copied frame 4 and pasted it at frame 10 and continue to draw. so at last, there will be an increasing amount of drawing in each frames.


11. next, i want to add text above the flag. firstly i clicked on "background" layer and then clicked on frame 6. using text tool, i typed letter "M" above the flag. once i've satisfied with the position of that letter "M", i right clicked on frame 6 and clicked "insert keyframe". after that a little black dot appeared in frame 6.

12. by using the method in step 11, i've added in all the words i want and this is the outcome.

13. and in order to make my design move, i clicked on each frames and moved the position of each drawing and text. i just slightly moved them left and right or up and down.


14. and finally..tadaa!

this is the final outcome :) i know it's just a simple design but i've put a lot of efforts inside. for a beginner it's not that bad right? :p

have a nice day