assignment 1 - patriotism in malaysia poster

What i did for my assignment 1 is something different from draft 1 and draft 2 because my lecturer wants me to play around more on typography. Therefore I added more words and recreate some characters, which i called them 'aliens', for my new poster.

1. By using AI, i created 3 aliens with different skin tones based on the concept of Jalur Gemilang. They represent Malay, Chinese and Indian. Their body, eyes and mouth are colors and elements that we can find on Jalur Gemilang.

2. Next, I created my still poster using PS. I open a new file (A4 size) and drag in my background.

3. When it's done I start to type something on it and arrange the position and sizes of words. I used different fonts and colors to make my poster more interesting. 

4. After the line 'but we are all', I dragged in my aliens from AI to PS.

5. Then I created the word MALAYSIAN using the image of Jalur Gemilang which i downloaded from google.
first i type on the flag.

using magic wand tool, i pressed on shift key while selecting each alphabets.

when i'm done i clicked on delete or backspace. then right click on one of the alphabet and choose select inverse > delete.

lastly i crop it and drag it to my poster and I'm done! :)

So this is my poster for assignment 1.

have a nice day

1 comment:

  1. Still need improvement in adjusting the pacing and timing of your animation. Unfortunately, you didn't follow the assignment requirement. There is no typo at your poster and your final work.

    Already graded your Assignment 1.
